Sunday, July 10, 2005

Wonderful weather today, just couldn,t have been nicer. Sara and I rode a hop on hop off bus around to all the famous landmarks, UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE. What are we thinking in the States w/ our throw-away architecture?????????????????

The people of Paris have been wonderful to us. We rode the Paris Metro today so of course I was looking out for abandoned parcels or knapsacks. Way fewer employees on Metro than London Underground, even before the attack. Also, no stations anounced like on London underground stops. One has to pay attention.

I came to this internet shop to look at to see about this hurricane. I just can,t wrap my brain around the idea of another hurricane when we are no where near recovering from IVAN, so I won;t even try from this far.
DAC-ART will be even more in demand I predict !

Sara is out prowling around the neighborhood and shopping for our breakfast goodies at the moment. It stays light here so very late, it was still sunny when i came in this internet shop about 9:30, it is now 10 pm and still quite bright. The signs on these places say Internet Cafe, but they are stuffy tiny holes-in-the-wall w: no café at all, unless a frozen icecream and popsicle box makes it a café. They are usually run by Arab looking people. Nicer than the usual motel-owner Arab looking people in the States.

We have noticed that central Paris has way fewer Asian and Turkish, Moslem, etc looking folks than London where the traditional British seem to be in the minority for sure.

I think we will have to take a cab to the train station tomorrow. I have been going thru my bags looking for stuff I can leave behind. Like the shoes I have on this minute---five bucks at AL;s 5 and 10 in G.S., so I can live without them now and get more later. Sara did a great job of packing light. Better than me. But then, she DID enjoy the fresh hot coffee bedside this morning from my B&D little coffee maker ! Some things are worth the bother to me, and getting my eyes open is one of them.

I have taken a ton of digital photos and picked up an extra high-speed 1 gig SD card at a camera shop in Cambridge, they don,t sell them at drug stores here as in the States. I figured that they would only get more expensive as we went west.

It turns out that we are staying in the area where the movie Amelie was filmed. The bar/coffee shop where she worked, the fruit vendor, etc. For those who have not seen that recent, great movie, go rent it tonight.

Off to Barcelona tomorrow on an overnight train and we get our own little apt w/ a shower even !

Lundy in Paris


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lundy & Sara,

Glad for the update. Paris sounds great! I'm so proud of what I've read about the Brit's, stiff upper lip and all that. We Yanks came from pretty good stock, aye? Well, enough silliness.

I really can't wait till you get to Italy. I've read the Frances Mayes books (Under the Tuscan Sun, Bella Tuscany) so I almost feel like I've been there.

I've had one eye on Europe and one eye on the Gulf Coast. Went to church twice today and had my good friend's scrumptious home-made all-American vanilla ice cream. Incredible. I'll get her recipe for when I come down in the fall. I told her I couldn't imagine anything you were having in Paris being this good!

Well, take care and know you are loved!


10:49 PM  

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